Again, I feel like what you have wrote represents my experience in speaking to new members and how my views have been formed to a T. I imagine you’re getting the very vitriol you mentioned from people who’ve never given a leaflet, never door knocked and never canvased; especially not in a non safe labour area or marginal.
The worst part for me is the pantomime caricature of MPs as blarite careerists out of touch with no knowledge of public opinion. What’s bizzare is that so close to Cox’s murder when we all agreed she worked so hard for her community; she wasn’t an exception. MPs have greater and more varied contact with voters then most of us chose to believe because it challenges that caricature which our lazy narrative depends on. They canvas, they meet, they door knock, they leaflet and they do all they can. But instead of praise they get face to face abuse, they get online abuse, they work 6/7 days a week, they miss out on family time, on key moments in their children's lives, they get ridiculed for not knowing everything about everything and for any momentary slip up. These people know a lot more about their voters then any twitter mob sitting on their computer will probably know, but instead of respecting that knowledge and input, we deride them. I just despair at what has happened.